Discover the power of our utility token

SSTX has arrived to help holders protect and diversify their assets.
Use SSTX to buy precious metals and other hard assets.

Token Details

Our token is based on a silver narrative

Symbol SSTX
Network Smart Chain
Contract 0x5396734569e26101677eb39c89413f7fa7d8006f
Decimals 7
Initial Supply 2,300,000,000,000 – Represents the approximate amount of grams of silver that exist in the world as well as the amount left to be mined.
Final Supply 100,000,000,000 – The amount of tokens that remain after our manual burns is representative of the amount of grams of .999 fine silver that exist.

Token Distribution SSTX

Step into the silver jungle with SSTX


Max Supply
Team & Advisors
Marketing & Growth


The SSTX Token

Silver Stonks’ token has a 5% fee for each transaction. Silver Stonks’ tokenomics is designed to benefit community, encourage holding and help develop the project.

Silver Stonks Redistribution

Fees are redistributed to holders, an automatic liquidity pool, and a treasury. Within the treasury, a portion is designated to be used for operations, community mining, and to be burned each quarter.

Benefits of Holding SSTX

Take advantage of being a SilverBack.


Every trade that takes place contributes towards automatically rewarding investors for holding their tokens. Investors will grow their net-worth in Silver Stonks, just by holding the tokens in their wallet.


Manual burns will reduce the total supply of Silver Stonks tokens and will help increase the token’s scarcity.


Be rewarded for being a holder of Silver Stonks. There are different membership levels that holders will benefit from. As we grow our ecosystem, holders gain increasing benefits and utility for holding Silver Stonks.

Automatic Liquidity Pool

Every trade contributes towards automatically generating liquidity for exchanges, so that the token is readily available.


Earn more SSTX through bonus staking. The APY is variable and based on membership levels.

Dedicated Team, Locked Liquidity

Our team is very bullish on physical silver and dedicated to the Silver Stonks project. We have a small team wallet with the majority of tokens vesting over a period of 36 months.

Purchasing Power

Token holders will be able to use SSTX to buy precious metals on our website as well as other unique products and services.

Silver Stonks. Diversify Into Digital and Hard Assets.